I suppose many people misunderstand about P2S ( Pay to See ) when you see a post with a Pay to See Content. In fact, we have to clarity that the P2S Do Not use the real currency, it only use our site virtual currency that named SD ( Sugar Dollar ); You can gain SD freely from Daily Check In, Post, Reply, Rewarded and other many ways. About why use pay-to-see to review, we explain that in Why charging to view reviews? #874 , you could login to see the reply.
我猜想很多人都对付费内容( P2S - Pay to See )有所误解,当在某些帖子内看到有付费内容时。这里我们要澄清下,这个付费并不是使用真实的货币,它只是使用我们网站的虚拟货币,即甜心币( SD - Sugar Dollar );而且你可以通过多种方式获得甜心币,如每日签到、发帖、回复、被打赏等。关于为什么使用付费查看内容,我们也在某位成员提出问题后做出了相应的解释,帖子链接 Why charging to view reviews? #874,登录后查看回复。