Sugar Dollars ( SD ) is Virtual Currency in SugarAsian. It cannot be or exchange to REAL Money.
You can,
Reward to some posts you like; How? Clicking … at the bottom-right of posts in certain applicable tags.
Pay-to-see some posts, such as reports posts in SA Reports tag section;
Pay-to-participate some event, such as paying to change nickname;
Buy some Virtual goods in site or some special event badge ( Badges );
Buy / Subscribe items in Alpaca Store
and others will be on in future.
Can I transfer SD to others? Yes, you can transfer Sugar Dollars to anyone via Zelpal Pay?
What is Zelpal Pay? A fun transfer feature for transferring SD to anyone in SA.
Why call it to Zelpal? I didn’t have idea about the name.. Finally.. I mixed Zelle and Paypal…😂
How can I get SD? From Daily Check In, Reward, Transfer, some events, and other methods will add in future.
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