Welcome! I'm your friend, TT.
What kind of words I should say for celebrating my new site is on?
No word! I've had website for booking in 5 years ago; but it stopped to run cuz I was busy for personal errands. Now! I'm Back.
Why I run a site again?
I wanna make my friends, you guys, to find fun time easier and safer.
Why there show nothing?
You don't log in yet.
How to/who can use this site?
This site is members only(don't worry, all free). People (SITE MAY CONTAINS SEXUALLY EXPLICIT IMAGES, VIDEOS AND TOPICS , THUS, IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 YEARS OLD, click and read here, then Don't Come Back Again.)can sign up and logged in; However, there are different permissions for groups, tags and functions. Sounds like harder, it just for your safe, privacy and etc.
How to start?
You can register the site in anytime anywhere; when you registered and verify in your E-mail ( checking your SPAM box if you don't see verification E-mail in inbox, then click NOT SPAM. And, If you don't wanna use your personal E-mail, I advice you register and use Protonmail), your account will assign to "unverified group" automatedly. Why unverified? Cuz I don't know who you are yet. Unless, you sign up with a invited code I provide, or you are invited by your Verified friends, or I adjust your group in admin panel that means I know you.
what you can do?
You can check bookers' related locations, request a fun time, write or see reviews. Post or Share your personal experiences, topics or discussions. Report some suspicious stuffs and so.
Privacy and Safe?
My privately owned server is located in Amsterdam, city of vice;and the site is doing encrypted by Cloudflare. I don't collect your information, in other words, I don't want to know who in your family, what you are doing and etc. You can use nickname here, nobody knows who you real are. You here just for looking and finding fun. I might assist you to do some fun time you know.
Click to see More about Groups and Permissions 更多关于用户组与权限。
你好,我是你的朋友 TT。很高兴你能来到我的网站,你可能看不到网站内的相关板块,那是因为你尚未注册登录。本站是仅限会员浏览,站内可能包含情色暴露图片与话题,因此除了18岁及以下外,其他人都可以注册,但是针对不同的注册用户将分配不同的用户组与权限的不同,这仅仅是为了安全与隐私着想等等。当你注册并验证邮箱(如果你未在收件箱看到验证邮件,你可以查看SPAM,然后标记邮件为Not Spam)后,你的账号将被自动分配到未验证verified组,那是因为我并不知道你是谁,除非你是通过我的邀请码,或者是你的已验证朋友邀请,再或者我早已知道你是谁,当你注册后,我会在后台调整你的用户组状态。
--- Updated 10/12/2021