It is all free to apply to become a Verified or VIP member in SA
We are very pleased that you are interested in joining Verified Group (
) or VIP Group (
) on SA
The rule of how to join Verified group:
1、You have signed up to SA | 「Sign Up and Log in」
2、Sending " Your Age, Race and Phone Number " via Tickets System to us
Please make sure you are using the right one that is same as you sent via Tickets System. It usually takes 30mins to 12 hours to get approval once you done. You will receive approval message by tickets or we might ask more info to verify. Or you can refresh page to see if you have the Verified Badge.
How to join the VIP group
1、You are a valid member of SA, and already in Verified group;
2、You have already posted at least one review report in (SA Reports); please check the pinned posting rules in the relevant reports tag before posting you review report.
3、Submit through Ticket System, and mention to apply to be VIP
There are many abbreviations our site using, If you wanna get to know some, check this post>>