Thanks for following our site!
In this maintain, site added PWA (Progressive Web Application) feature, so that you can access our site easily, and look more professional.
If you have no ideas about PWA, you could check Description of Progressive Web Application by Wikipedia, there are 15 languages for that.
How to install (Add to Home Screen)
For iOS:
Safari open "" (yes, you are here now😅)
Tap Share button on bottom
Tap "Add to Home Screen"
For Android:
Chrome open "" (yes, you are here now🤩)
Tap Setting button on top-right corner
Tap "Add to Home Screen / Install Application"
For Windows or MAC:
Start Chrome on Windows or MAC
Open "" in Chrome browser
Tap Setting on top-right corner
Install (our site name)
* When you open our site via Chrome in Android or Windows Desktop, you probably will get a hint to Add/Install to Home Screen.
* Our site PWA named , you also can change it to any other name if applicable. BTW, our site have 2 domains, one is and ; but I already 301 .vip to .org