Hello everyone.
I respect the site, first time here and it's good to have some sort of safety measures.
I only have been with one latina flower(sorry if it's an incorrect term) and the experience was very terrible.
So this person raised rates after meeting in her room, said previous roses were for massage only. I agreed to an extra 250 roses for 1 pop, but the clock was "already running".. so, 10 minutes.
To add insult to injury, and this is my biggest question, she gripped my ahem and would not allow full penetration.. so, just the tip was in. I popped, but I started to think, "is this normal activity amongst flowers??"
I've been so turned off by it all, and never tried again. I suppose I need some clarity, if someone could offer some, please?
I feel like I obviously was duped but I was super nice and very respectful, so I don't think I was a danger. I am girthy, but I've never thought I'd be gripped..
Worst by far!!!
Appreciate any comments and experience tips. Thanks