We just added a screen saver page to our site, maybe it is useless, or it might could use for some scene, for instance you don't want to close site page or lock screen; but you wanna hide our main page for a while, or something else.
You can simply click the top banner pic to enter the screen saver page; For better user experiences, We've removed the screen saver link from the top banner because it may cause users to click on it by accident.
We've moved the safe mode link to the top of Portal page
If you wanna return back to or SA main page, just click anywhere in screen saver page.
View our site by PC? try to click F11 on your keyboard.
我们刚刚添加了一个安全页面,也可称为屏保页面,也许它是无用的,但又或者它也适用于某些场景,比如你想临时隐藏一下本站的主页面,但又不想关闭网站或者锁屏 等等等等。